Beyond the School Year - Support for Families at Hampton Cove Preschool
After School and Holiday Care
The after school program operates from school pick-up time until 6:00 pm. Students are picked up at their elementary school by a licensed and insured employee. The school van brings the children back to Hampton Cove Preschool and they are served an afternoon snack. The teacher will assist students with any homework they might need help with. Upon completing their homework assignments students may have access to age appropriate learning labs and the outdoor classrooms. Educational board games, gross motor activities and other educational activities are available in the learning labs.
Holiday care is available for parents any day that Huntsville City Schools are closed unless Hampton Cove Preschool is closed for business. During Holiday Care teachers will implement planned lessons and activities that will enhance the children’s educational experience. Children will also have access to learning labs and the outdoor classrooms during Holiday Care. Occasionally, field trips will be part of the Holiday Care experience.
Summer Camp
The Summer Camp program is designed to build students’ self-esteem, friendships, and continue their educational exploration. During Summer Camp, teachers will implement planned lessons and activities that will enhance the children’s educational experience. Children will also have access to learning labs and the outdoor classroom during Summer Camp. Field trips will be a part of the Summer Camp experience.